DevOpsDays London 2017 impressions

Derya (Dorian) Sezen
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2017


DevOpsDays London

As a first-time sponsor to an event in London, we were excited to participate to the DevOpsDays. We anticipated the incoming challenging questions as the level of knowledge for DevOps and Microservices in London is high, so we were prepared!:)

As a community organisation spirit, we initially helped the local team for the preparations in the morning:

kloia team Derya Sezen and Burak Koyuncu

We also had “give-away” Tote Bags in our booth, so those DevOpsDays bags were kinda competitors:) As a result, DevOpsDays bags won the challenge!

kloia booth DevOpsDays London

We focused in the following services in our booth:

1- DevOps-as-a-Service: For the teams who need acceleration towards DevOps Automation practices.

2- Test Automation: For the teams, who are lack of API/UI Test Automation.

3- Microservices Transition: For the ones suffering from monolithic and move towards CQRS.

For CQRS, we have an OpenSource framework called “eventapis” which helps teams to adapt CQRS practices with minimum learning curde.

Beside, we had neighbours such as Puppet, armakuni and !!

DevOps Quiz Challenge!

We defined 40 MCQs in DevOps and Microservices domain. For each participant, the questions are randomly selected for a 90 seconds limited time box! Just for fun!:) We gave away gifts for the ones in Top10, including a projector for the top scorer!

DevOps Quiz Challenge

Here is a memory with OpsGenie team:

OpsGenie Team

Here are some pictures from OpenSpaces:

DevOpsDays London OpenSpaces

We received various queries on DevOps, Microservices and CQRS, we took our homework!

Currently, we are getting prepared for the next DevOpsDays which will be in Istanbul on Sep28!

DevOpsDays London Sponsors

